Wanna know something cool I learned by a happy accident? If you pull your bedding out of the dryer when it is still a little damp and throw them on the bed to air dry and then smooth out the wrinkles before it is all the way dry, a miracle happens: the wrinkles are really gone! I was amazed by how easy and totally effective it was.
Also, this is a real conversation we just had:
Him: Can you hear the dishwasher?
Me: Umm....Yes I can. (confused why he is asking because our dishwasher is not quiet)
Him: All I can hear is "Yankees suck, Yankees suck." Can't you hear that with the rhythm it is making?
Wow. That's all I have to say about that. I guess you could say he has a one track mind.
Omgosh, you are the funniest person alive right now. With the title, the convo with Luke, to your random Martha Stewart wrinkle-free sheet moment, I love you so much.